Energy Forecast – Year 2020

Happy New Year!

Let’s welcome the year of deep healing and transformation, conclusions, happy endings, salvation, freedom and self realisation.

Year 2019 was the year of a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs. We learnt a lot about ourselves and what we wish to really create in our lives. Taking this energy forward, year 2020 is a new level of spiritual growth and evolution.  This year gives us opportunity towards profound understanding of self, others and life in general.

It is the year of radical changes. We will start seeing things in new light.

This year will give us many reasons to celebrate. This is the year where you can realise your dreams. Manifest anything you desire. But remember you create what you are, what you feel, how you vibrate not what you just wish. So raise your vibrations and work towards creating abundance, love, peace, health, etc

If you have been working too hard last year then find some time to relax, have fun or take a real vacation. This is the year to embrace and acknowledge the people in your life who love and support you. Take time to experience the joy and peace that these people bring in your life.

It is also important to create a balance in life. There is a tendency to burn out while focusing too much on accomplishing the task in hand. Seek help if required, delegate your work, and learn to trust others. By doing this you reduce a lot of stress from your life.

There are a few challenges this year, remember whatever you are going through, learn from the situation. This is the time for growth which will make you stronger. Take the help of your seniors, gurus or counsellor if required. 

The biggest lesson that we all learn this year is to
And to be honest with self and the world.

It is the year to heal the hidden wounds, heal your relationships, heal your money, and heal your body. In whatever area you are stuck you will get a fair opportunity to heal it.

Money and Finances –

Money seems good this year. But there is some kind of radical change in terms of your money reality. There is a huge shift in the way we look at money. There is, in general, a sense of satisfaction.

Relationships –

People ready to get into committed relationship please get out there and show everyone how amazing you are. There’s very active and playful energy in terms of relationships.

Good time to forgive and move on.


Health is a major concern this year in general. If you have been procrastinating about your health, now is the time to act on it. You will get guidance or the universe will lead you to create a healthy body in an entirely new way.

Commit to good health and don’t give up. Get to the truth of the matter. Discover your body in a new light.