Revisit, Review and Reinvent your life
Finally the change is here …you can feel it …you are in the midst of it ..and you have accepted that the things are not going back the way they were!
The energy of this month is intense and gives you an opportunity to go within and work on yourself. You will be challenged by all kinds of distractions via media, through illusionary desires …
The month starts with a full moon in Shravana Nakrashtra, encouraging you to listen to your intuition that inner voice that you have been avoiding since very long.
As you step into this month, there will be intense desire to travel and break free. There will be weird restlessness to express and become vocal about your feelings. Be mindful and contemplate before you say anything! Many people may focus more on their passion, beauty and prosperity. It can be productive for some.
The issues from the past can surface in romance and relationships. Many things from the past will be explored and revisited by mainstream media, you can also do this on an individual level.
Keep in check where you are spending money and energy. Cut on unnecessary things. The things that are not working for you in relationship, business, work , health etc. will come to an end now. For some it can be overwhelming.
There can be agitation and frustration because of something that you are not able to let go. Once you uproot this attachment, you can finally set yourself free and start fresh. But this journey of freedom begins from taking an inventory of your life or the specific area of your life. The core issues (patterns) that have always bothered you are now at the brim.
You will be inspired or you will be pushed to revisit your past to address this core issue. You will have to work and heal the things you have been avoiding by pulling out the unwanted cords, cut them and transmute them into lightness. As you do that, you will create abundance and prosperity in every area of life.
Stay low, heal yourself and prepare for upcoming transitions in September.
Are you ready to face the truth?