It is time to resurrect a new phase of life. The lunar eclipse on 5th of July comes at
a very pivotal time when we must be honest with ourselves and rise up to the challenges of life.
It is a very emotional month as everything is now finally on the surface after brewing up for the last 8 months. We are now face to face with everything that we had suppressed, not only in this life time but also from many-many other life times. It may not be a very comfortable phase. We need to keep our ego and anger in check as it can be explosive if we don’t choose compassion now.
We all are at a cliff wherein we are going through the culmination of our heavy experiences and we are taking a rebirth not only as individuals but as a society as well. This Transformation will happen with ease only if we have learnt our lessons from the past especially from the challenges that we have had from November 2019 till June 2020.
Many of us may feel suffocated or have breathing issues. Take care of your physical and emotional health as it may be a concern in general.
If you have been working on yourself then this period can bring in new ideas, new opportunities. Just do the background work, educate yourself more in that area and then take decisions later in this month.
Avoid taking major decisions at least until 15th July 2020.
We need to come together and question our choices in the past on an individual level and also on a global level. We need to ask how our lifestyle contributes to the planet and us. A beautiful month to work on spiritual growth. Remember, in the end we are moving towards a better world and we are just releasing all the century old karma right now. Lets be open minded, hold on to kindness and Joy !