Energy Forecast – January 2021

2021 begins with an unexplained restlessness and confusion.

All the suppressed emotions may manifest in the form mass protests and unrest all around the world by the last week of January.

This month will give us an opportunity to realise the truth that it’s not about how powerful you are/feel by influencing the masses with your ideologies even if that includes preaching Spirituality or Nirvana but to take responsibility for yourself and for the things that holds value in your life.

January is encouraging us to realise that fear-based decisions always backfires and create more darkness. Set clear intentions for what you desire from 2021 with ease and lightness.

The ideal way to start this year is to reflect on a few below aspects:

1. Allow yourself to flow with life without resisting change. Work on inner conflicts, suppressed anger, egocentric beliefs. If you already doing inner work, it will be a smooth month with some mood swings. Be aware and accept your potential rather than considering yourself weak.

2. Be kind and grateful to yourself, everyone and for everything. Avoid judging people and giving crude advises. Be by there side and comfort them with your presence. Be honest in what you do. We all are seeking love and acceptance from others through whatever we do!

3. Focus on creating inner peace even if you will feel lost and confused at the start of month.

4.Relax! it’s time to forgive everything that is bothering you. You may feel a bit disoriented and lonely and may want to stay close to our loved ones.

5. Keep an open mind and trust your intuitions. Keep your eyes and ears open. The truth potrayed by media and government around the world will be tested and exposed.The world including social media and TV media will go through a massive transformation!

Let us all come together and create awareness and love for whole world to transforms. It is possible just by realising that you matter, your thoughts and opinions matter, your energy matter and that you are already contributing to the world in your own way so heal yourself to heal the world!

Energy forecast December

December marks a dramatic end to a very special year 2020!

Overall, we may feel confused, agitated and there will be a sense of losing control. Know that all this chaos is leading us towards the light. We are in the process of re-birthing a new version of ourselves and a new world is emerging as we embrace the darkness.

Solar eclipse on 14th December opens a portal of huge transformation giving us an opportunity to unfold the truth as many secrets come to surface. The energy will set a new wave of change which will continue to have its impact for the next 6 months.

The highlight of the month is that many hidden matters may start coming to light on a personal and on a global level which may continue till the first half of 2021.

On a mundane level we may feel trapped, gloomy and conflicted. There will be a sense of intense polarization both internally and externally. Many will find it difficult to agree with others and we may find society is divided by many beliefs and opinions. This may manifest into rage and protest on a mass level.

The best way to utilise the energy of this month is to stay grounded and flow with life… Focus on self and work on the inner conflicts by accepting self-judgments. If possible, do some relationships and family healing during this phase. Talk to a counsellor or a therapist to address the issues. Take up yoga (if you haven’t done that yet), do pranayama to regulate and balance your emotions.

Let’s end this year with harmony within …remember the outer world is a reflection of our inner world, as we create harmony within it will be reflected in the outer world 

Energy Forecast – October 2020

Heal yourself to heal humanity! 

Oh wow we are already in the month of October …so much has changed around the world and within us! Hope you all are doing good and keeping yourself healthy and fit. 

Let’s see what this month has in store for us! 

October begins with an intense full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada which symbolises death/endings. It’s like we’ve come to an end of a long journey and now is the time to rest and reset. It is giving us an opportunity to reflect and let go anything that is not serving us as it is a powerful time to do deeper work. 

Things will start to move especially in the first half of the month and you may not feel stuck anymore.

Collectively we will feel more courageous and there will be surge in our risk-taking capacity.It can become aggressive if we are not rational about our emotions particularly of our anger. It’s time to let go of the ego. We need to contemplate on our need to justify our beliefs and force them on others. A lot of hidden aggression and fear can come to surface which may lead to chaos on a global level. Remember the collective consciousness is just a reflection of what’s happening at an individual level. Most people will feel agitated and frustrated. This will be expressed globally in the form of protests and riots. There will be a sense of injustice and unfairness. People in general may seek justice. Energetically this may also lead to fires and floods around the world.

There is a lot of potential for transformation and healing right now. It’s high time we understand how we relate with others, ask questions like why are we fighting with others or with their beliefs, what is in us that is triggering this need to prove ourselves right?

We also need to keep in check how our beliefs, actions affect others and mother Earth. This period symbolises rebirth.We are birthing a new world and it can be really uncomfortable. We are resistant to let go of our anger and fears. There is also a sense of losing control which is the root cause of the collective anger. We have to work on releasing our selfish need to be right and see things as benefiting everyone. So, a smart choice is to heal our personal issues if we really wish to heal the world.

October’s energy is driving us to focus on universal good and take responsibility of our choices, speech and our actions. Time to focus on what can help the world to become better without getting stuck in our egos! 

We are at the juncture of changing our lifestyle permanently. We can no longer live the way we have been living since ages. Humanity will now focus on living in harmony with all living beings. But before we reach there, we will experience extreme polarity. A battle of darkness V/S consciousness will be the theme of remaining 3 months of 2020. 

Energy forecast September 2020

New cycle Begins in the midst of Chaos !

A lot is happening and a lot is changing with so many transits taking place. It is almost like the universe is asking us to stay still and witness the changes instead of taking any major actions. There are many ups and downs especially on an emotional and energetic level and it may create a weird pressure or tension in the air.

Positive changes this month are: You may feel more logical. Practical matters pick up giving you results. Communication will improve, good time to write that blog or book that you have kept on hold. Also, a great time to earn money through already set business. Overall, on the professional front the month looks promising.

Health can be a concern throughout the month. Take care of your food habits to avoid any digestion issues. You may feel restless and stressed which may affect your mental health.

Avoid taking any major decisions, like moving house, marriage, signing contracts etc. Though continue with what’s essential.

On the emotional front as you sail through mood swings, you may want to escape the chaos by splurging on luxury. So, take caution on the front of unnecessary expenses.

It is also a phase where we will face challenges in existing and even new relationships.  We will be learning the lessons and releasing karmic debts in all kinds of relationships; family, friends, and marriage.  If we pay attention, we will find a lot of clarity and come face to face with the truth. We are getting opportunity to correct past mistakes, or let go of a choice that we made emotionally (especially under fear). It is time to do a reality check.

A feeling of unfairness, seeking justice, anger and rage may bother us. Both internal or external conflict can trouble us. Accept the truth and time let go of illusion. Choose what is right for you and not what you think you need. Few transits during the last week of the month can create unsettling energy. We may see both societal unrest as well as unrest on an individual level. But this is chaos before calmness …things will gradually improve.  


It is a challenging month but it is also making us stronger, clearer and more aware of who we are, why we are here and what we can do to have a better life on the planet! Let’s utilise this opportunity to become more conscious and spread the consciousness around the world…  

Few things to keep in mind this month

1.      Conserve your energy

2.      Keep your anger in check

3.      The matters of love, luxury and relationship may bother you throughout the month

4.      Heal your relationships  

5.      Avoid unnecessary expenses and splurging

6.      If possible, postpone any important decision to next month

7.      Heal yourself , keep your energy up ! 

Energy Forecast – August 2020

Revisit, Review and Reinvent your life

Finally the change is here …you can feel it …you are in the midst of it ..and you have accepted that the things are not going back the way they were!

The energy of this month is intense and gives you an opportunity to go within and work on yourself. You will be challenged by all kinds of distractions via media, through illusionary desires … 

The month starts with a full moon in Shravana Nakrashtra, encouraging you to listen to your intuition that inner voice that you have been avoiding since very long.

As you step into this month, there will be intense desire to travel and break free. There will be weird restlessness to express and become vocal about your feelings. Be mindful and contemplate before you say anything! Many people may focus more on their passion, beauty and prosperity. It can be productive for some.

 The issues from the past can surface in romance and relationships. Many things from the past will be explored and revisited by mainstream media, you can also do this on an individual level. 

Keep in check where you are spending money and energy. Cut on unnecessary things. The things that are not working for you in relationship, business, work , health etc. will come to an end now. For some it can be overwhelming.

There can be agitation and frustration because of something that you are not able to let go. Once you uproot this attachment, you can finally set yourself free and start fresh. But this journey of freedom begins from taking an inventory of your life or the specific area of your life. The core issues (patterns) that have always bothered you are now at the brim.

 You will be inspired or you will be pushed to revisit your past to address this core issue. You will have to work and heal the things you have been avoiding by pulling out the unwanted cords, cut them and transmute them into lightness. As  you do that, you will create abundance and prosperity in every area of life.

Stay low, heal yourself and prepare for upcoming transitions in September.

Are you ready to face the truth?

Energy Forecast – July 2020 by Manisha Lomash

It is time to resurrect a new phase of life. The lunar eclipse on 5th of July comes at
a very pivotal time when we must be honest with ourselves and rise up to the challenges of life.

It is a very emotional month as everything is now finally on the surface after brewing up for the last 8 months. We are now face to face with everything that we had suppressed, not only in this life time but also from many-many other life times. It may not be a very comfortable phase. We need to keep our ego and anger in check as it can be explosive if we don’t choose compassion now.

We all are at a cliff wherein we are going through the culmination of our heavy experiences and we are taking a rebirth not only as individuals but as a society as well. This Transformation will happen with ease only if we have learnt our lessons from the past especially from the challenges that we have had from November 2019 till June 2020.

Many of us may feel suffocated or have breathing issues. Take care of your physical and emotional health as it may be a concern in general.

If you have been working on yourself then this period can bring in new ideas, new opportunities. Just do the background work, educate yourself more in that area and then take decisions later in this month.

Avoid taking major decisions at least until 15th July 2020.

We need to come together and question our choices in the past on an individual level and also on a global level. We need to ask how our lifestyle contributes to the planet and us.  A beautiful month to work on spiritual growth. Remember, in the end we are moving towards a better world and we are just releasing all the century old karma right now. Lets be open minded, hold on to kindness and Joy !

Solar Eclipse – Weekly Update

Energy Forecast- June 2020

21st June 2020 opens a huge transformative portal.With this day being solstice and solar eclipse, it is giving us a platform to elevate ourselves and truly evolve.
You may feel bit low and tired physically.You must:

  1. Slow down
  2. Take mental rest for few days before and after
  3. Be kind to your body and yourself
  4. You are going through vibrational changes, take it easy

If you are feeling physically weak or overthinking too much, its high time you start working on your body.

It’s time to ask a question to yourself “Am I ready to elevate myself and assist others in their evolution?”

It’s time to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself:

  1. What matters to you the most?
  2. What affects you the most?
  3. What are you ready to do, to let go things that affect you?

This one week is crucial for each one of us.This can define your next 6 months and coming year. So be mindful and diligent about your words and actions.

Also ask “Am I ready to take responsibility of my body, my emotions, my thoughts and my life?”

  1. Do fasting if possible
  2. Let go of anger and blame
  3. Choose peace and compassion in all situations
  4. Protect your senses by staying away from social media and news

“Your capacity to change is directly related to the depth of your breath.”

So just breathe …
– Manisha Lomash

Energy Forecast – June 2020

What you seek is seeking you!

A month of eclipses, planet retrogrades, endings and seeking what we truly desire

As we are receiving huge transformational energies throughout this month we are unfolding into a new world (golden age). We are in the middle of the transition; things may seem to oscillate on extremes this month. With this entire chaos, the human race is learning to understand that we all are connected and it’s high time we reconnect with each other and nature.

It’s a month of unsettling energy. The restless mind will lead to anxiety and frustration.On a personal level you may feel restricted, angry, and confused. On a global level, there will be unrest and anger among people. The internal energy of masses will get manifested on the global level in the form of natural calamities and fury among people.

What’s good this month?

It is a really good time to study something new, read books, do research on topics you always wanted to. Start any new business or project after 15th July.

You are called to break free of anything that is holding you back! Release any feelings of helplessness or fear that are creating a sense of entrapment. The good news is that the limitation that you perceive as hindering your progress are self-created and therefore can be uncreated ! You can free yourself. Over-thinking can keep you from moving in the direction of your heart’s desire. So practice letting go, physical exercise, meditate, and breathe more.

You have the opportunity to heal your past traumas, relationships, body, etc. You may feel more free and confident by the end of this month in your personal endeavours.  

In the 2020 yearly forecast, I have emphasised to focus on what you wish to create in your life rather than your fears. So remember we are creating what we are focusing on right now…

So let’s throw our energies in the direction of healing as a society and create a beautiful world.  

What’s challenging?

There’s a tendency to overthink, get drawn to negative and fearful energies. There may be a rise in illusion, rumours, miscommunication, difficultly in travel. There will be a lot of resistance to change; fear of uncertainty…hidden secrets may come to light. Avoid believing everything that you hear or see. You may feel very stubborn and fanatic.  You may feel like avoiding taking advice/suggestions from authority and gurus. Be diligent and more flexible.

Relationships can be challenging. Work on relationships, heal them, and get help if required.

Be kind and careful with your words.  As a community, we will have to reconsider the ways in which we express love and receive love in our lives. Introspect and be aware of the human capacity to love and create as well as to hate and destroy  

Avoid overspending, take care of your finances, it’s time to go back to basics. Invest in your health. Take preventive measures.

What you can do to make the best of this month?

  • Fast on the days of the lunar and solar eclipse of this month (5th June and 21st June)
  • Talk less…be cautious with your words and actions
  • Introspect on what you truly wish to create on this planet.
  • Work on your relationships ( heal, do counseling, take help if required)
  • Prepare your body to receive the higher vibrations by exercising more, do breathwork, chanting mantras, etc
  • Learn, study something new, read books…
  • It is really time to look within and avoid external distractions
  • Please do some kind of healing work, if required talk to someone neutral, take help ! 

Subscribe to my youtube channel for all the updates on monthly forecast and other Interesting video’s.

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Energy Forecast – May 2020

Time to Reflect”

We are in the midst of a huge shift. A shift  a change
that our generation has never witnessed before.
It may seem everything is falling apart as there’s so much
of chaos and fear. It feels like the world is ending.

Yes, the world is coming to end. The world with the foundation of fear, the world that was unconscious, the world of suffering, lack, control, and greed is coming to an end. Just hold tight, we as a society will emerge out of this, healed and more balanced.

Let’s welcome this huge transformational starting May. There’s a lot of energy surging through this month and
next 3 months. The best way to embrace it is to slow down.

Throughout this month it may seem things have come to a halt and nothing is moving forward. It’s a sign that we need to slow down in every aspect and take out time to reflect. Take a review of your life, introspect what it is you truly desire from life, relationships, job, family and from yourself.

There’s a lot of anger and frustration brewing up within. It may feel a bit depressive and low as all kinds of emotions will be on the surface. As an individual, it’s time to address this anger or in the long run, it may create more issues. Hidden secrets about self and others (world) may come to the surface and create some agitation.

We really need to understand that we can’t escape facing our demons anymore. It is high time we isolate ourselves in the real sense and go within, face the reality and stop resisting the change.  Stop brushing things under the rug. The universe is giving you plenty of opportunities to work on your shadows and discover who you truly are.

It is a beautiful period to work on your romantic relationship. Someone from the past may come back
in your life physically or emotionally, thereby giving you
an opportunity to heal what was not healed then.

Take relationship therapies or counselling if things are not working out for you. Or you may simply focus more on your relationship this month.

Communication, sleep, and food habits may be a bit disturbed due to overthinking and the tendency of overdoing. Make sure that you express yourself with the utmost caution while respecting other people’s feelings. There’s a tendency to feel depressed this month.
So talk to someone, take professional help, and heal yourself. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Focus on what you desire to create! 

Energy Forecast – April 2020

This month brings in the energy of reset on the micro and macro levels. You will continue to feel restricted, limited and you will have to practice patience throughout this month.

April starts with a very intense wave of transformations. During the first week of the month, you will get the opportunity to come face to face with things you may have suppressed or didn’t want to face. It has been trying to surface and if you have been ignoring it for long, you will have to deal with them now. It is time to work on our shadow self, embrace it and heal it on individual and society levels both. It’s a beautiful cleansing period for all of us. We all are releasing long-pending karma’s on the individual and societal levels. More secrets will be revealed about you and others. Anything hidden has to come to the surface. You will get the chance to know more about yourself. Here’s an opportunity to clean your internal and external space and have a new start. You are growing, we all are growing…growing at the soul level. It’s time to level up …step up!

Be aware of your thoughts and feelings, as whatever you focus your energy on will be expanded especially during the first week of April. The energy will force you to change your perception about things you have been resisting, fearing and running away for long. We as a society will be required to change the way we deal with money, health and relationships (family) and especially the way we treat nature.

Discipline and a new structure will have to be enforced by you on the individual level and society level. This phase is a promise to bring new opportunities, new ways of living life which means we will have to let go of old patterns, old structures, etc…

We are moving towards rebuilding a better life on planet earth. This is chaos before peace… we are ascending towards bringing heaven on earth.

Few suggestions

  1. Be patient with your daily routine …avoid resisting change
  2. Sit with what is bothering you the most right now …and work on resolving it practically …avoid running away
  3. Flow with change happening around you …acknowledge your fear of losing control
  4. Take rest, take out time for yourself, sit with yourself with no distraction
  5. Follow a structured and disciplined life
  6. Practice yoga, pranayama, chanting, and forgiveness
  7. Good time to serve others, animals and nature