Stay calm! A new beginning is here…
This month you may feel overwhelmed with efforts as you have struggled through a difficult and demanding time last year. Allow yourself to look within and reclaim the balance, your own power and to move forward with self-confidence.
Acknowledge what you have achieved to date even if you feel it is minuscule. Instead of rushing into the New Year race of new beginnings, new resolutions sit back and review your life. Express your gratitude to what you have. And prepare to create what you desire this year.
Your situation may seem to be limited or not what you had hoped for, but there is more here than meets the eye. You have probably noticed that your past approach is no longer working for you. Take a pause what you are doing and look at things from a different perspective. This is the time of reflection and it is also extremely important to your spiritual evolution and growth.
Spend time in meditation; find what truly it that you desire is. Find clarity by being grounded, practical and honest with yourself.
Kindness and compassion can really help you to begin the year with a much positive outlook.
Points to remember

- Keep your anger in check. Stay calm.
- Please take care of yourself, you may feel restless and anxious.
- Retrospect, introspect and meditate
- Stay calm and Seek help if required
- Breathing exercises are must this month