Solar Eclipse – Weekly Update

Energy Forecast- June 2020

21st June 2020 opens a huge transformative portal.With this day being solstice and solar eclipse, it is giving us a platform to elevate ourselves and truly evolve.
You may feel bit low and tired physically.You must:

  1. Slow down
  2. Take mental rest for few days before and after
  3. Be kind to your body and yourself
  4. You are going through vibrational changes, take it easy

If you are feeling physically weak or overthinking too much, its high time you start working on your body.

It’s time to ask a question to yourself “Am I ready to elevate myself and assist others in their evolution?”

It’s time to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself:

  1. What matters to you the most?
  2. What affects you the most?
  3. What are you ready to do, to let go things that affect you?

This one week is crucial for each one of us.This can define your next 6 months and coming year. So be mindful and diligent about your words and actions.

Also ask “Am I ready to take responsibility of my body, my emotions, my thoughts and my life?”

  1. Do fasting if possible
  2. Let go of anger and blame
  3. Choose peace and compassion in all situations
  4. Protect your senses by staying away from social media and news

“Your capacity to change is directly related to the depth of your breath.”

So just breathe …
– Manisha Lomash